Translating the Need for Outsourced CAD Migration

CAD data exchange – also called CAD translation or CAD migration – is the movement or translation of data from one computer aided design system or format to another. There are many reasons for this. It could be part of an upgraded system development plan, or to facilitate collaboration between a manufacturer and their supplier (or a supplier and their client). Whatever the reason, it often involves a number of different software strategies, not all of which are straightforward.

CAD translation is achieved in one of three ways: direct internal import or export; intermediate data exchange and translation by a third party i.e. outsourcing.

The direct internal route is used where the CAD drafting system being used can interact directly with other formats. Much as a PC equipped with the latest edition of Windows can read and write documents in older Word formats, direct CAD translation uses the file open and file save menu choices. However, the format for most CAD files does not allow them to be read open, for security.

Intermediate CAD migration is a commonly used method whereby two independent cad systems operating under different formats send and receive data via an intermediary. Intermediary formats exist for PCB layout, mechanical engineering, CNC machining and many other CAD systems.

Perhaps the most straightforward way to approach CAD translation is via a third party like us. We at Enventure Technologies offer a full range of CAD cam CAE services. Utilizing the latest CAD migration software and intermediary tools, our skilled engineers can read and write CAD files from one format to another with ease.

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